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Voting Terms and Conditions - General

1. Voting Methods & Eligibility:

  • PERFECTUSSD: MATCHDial XTRA71319# 2024during VOTEvoting periods. Standard network charges apply.
  • Mobile App: Download the "Media General Reality" app (EXCLUDINGiOS/Android). THEData FINALcharges SHOW):may VOTINGapply. INTERACTIONVote INFORMATIONvia the in-app "Vote" button, which redirects to the official voting website.
  • Online Website:

    Visit or other advertised sites. Click the "Vote" button under your chosen contestant to be redirected to the voting website.

  • Voting methodis open to all users regardless of geographically location at the time of voting.
  • Must be 18+ years old or have parental/guardian consent if under 18.
  • Employees of Media General Group & affiliates, their immediate families, and cost:


    Viewers across the world may take part in voting in connectionconnected with the Perfectshow's Matchproduction Xtraare 2024ineligible programmeto (vote.

  • Registration: May be required for app/website voting.

2. Voting Process & Results:

  • Voting Windows: Specific dates/times announced on-air & via official social media.
  • Fees: Each vote costs an amount of money. This is displayed at the point of voting. Payment is accepted through Mobile Money and Card Payments by our technical partners Paystack or Hubtel. NO REFUNDS, even for errors.
  • programmeVote Count:”) as

    • Votes

      tallied electronically & independently audited.

    • The in-app "Leaderboard" may be temporarily hidden.
    • Elimination based on BOTH public votes & judges' scores.
    • On-air vote counts are final, even if different from other platforms.
  • Disputes: Media General's decision on any voting matter is final.
  • Technical Issues: If votes are affected by technical problems, Media General may discount them & announce results without those votes.
  • Unofficial Voting: Media General is not responsible for any unofficial voting methods and may discount votes suspected to be from such sources.
  • Vote Freezes: May occur at any time. Votes cast before the freeze count; results announced; voting reopens for remaining contestants.

3. Other voting conditions

  • Mobile In App:  users of Apple mobile devices with iOS for iPhones, iPod Touch, iPads and iPad minis and users of mobile devices with Android may downloadDownload the latest version of the official MG Reality app from the relevant app storestore. (iTunes store or the Google Play store) (the “app”). Users will have to clickClick on the button ‘Vote’ button in the app, and you will be redirected to http:the voting website. Follow the instructions to cast your vote.
  • Online Website: Visit (or any advertised website. Click on the website”).‘Vote’ Usersbutton shouldunder your favourite housemate and follow the instructions to cast their vote for each voting window. Users may be required to register on the website before being able toyour vote.
  • More information about how to register can be found here. Download of the app is free although data charges from the user’s network operator may apply as well as internet service provider’s fees when users access the internet. Each voting window will close as indicated in the Programme. Any votes unused by the end of each voting window will be lost and cannot be claimed for use in the next voting window. More information about online voting is available here

    Online Website: users may visit or any advertised or promoted website by the Promoter for the Programme. Users will have to click on the button ‘Vote’ under their favorite housemate, and will be redirected to (the “website”). Users should follow the instructions to cast their vote for each voting window. Users may be required to register on the website before being able to vote. More information about how to register can be found here.

    USSD: users may also vote by dialling *713*19# (the "shortcode"). Users should follow the instructions to cast their vote for each voting window. Users may be required to register on the website before being able to vote.

    If there are technical or other issues with the votes, the Promoter reserves the right to discount the votes (as applicable) and announce the result of the vote without including those affected votes. 

    The Promoter is unable to confirm the integrity of and is not responsible for any unofficial voting methods as these are not within their control. Votes must not be sent in through agents or on behalf of another person, and viewers cannot submit votes as an agent of any other person. The Promoter and the programme producers reserve the right to discount votes if they have reasonable grounds to suspect they have been made from unofficial third party voting services or otherwise in breach of any applicable terms and conditions.

    If for any reason there is a discrepancy between the numbers advertised on air and those given on any other platforms, then the numbers on air will prevail and the vote shall proceed on that basis. 

    Opening/closing times:

    Voting opens on and closes for each voting window as specified in the app, on the website and/or programme.

    Voting freezes:

    The Promoter and/or the producers of the programme reserve the right to conduct vote freezes at any time. In the event of a vote freeze, the vote will be open for a limited period only and the viewers will be informed on air that voting lines have been frozen. The results of the public vote at the time of lines being frozen will be announced and the housemate(s) with the least public votes will be eliminated from the competition. An on-air announcement will be given to inform viewers that voting lines have re-opened and the public can vote for the remaining housemate(s). For the avoidance of doubt, all votes received prior to the lines being frozen will be combined and carried forward to the next voting window.  

  • Voting restrictions: 

    Users have unlimited votes per registered device per voting window.

  • Contingencies:

    The Promoter and/or the producers of the Programme reserve the right to vary the format of a voting window at any time.  Any such variation will be announced in the programme, on the app, the website and/or on authorised social media and such format as announced in the programme, on the app, the website and/or on authorised social media will prevail.

    Voting results:

    The outcome of the votes will be shown in the programme.

    Each week, at the discretion of Media General or the programme’s producer, the housemates will nominate who they want to see evicted from the Perfect Match Xtra house. The public will be able to vote which nominated housemate(s) they wish to see stay in the Perfect Match Xtra house. The housemates(s) with the lowest number of public votes will be evicted from the Perfect Match Xtra house. 

    In each case, the elimination format, and any specific terms relating to that week’s elimination, will be announced in the applicable on-air interaction information before voting opens.

    The producers of the programme may in their discretion reintroduce a housemate seen in earlier stages of the programme who was previously evicted. The programme producers' decision will be final.  

    On multiple occasions from Tuesday to Friday during the final week of the programme at the discretion of the Promoter and/or programme producers, the public vote will open and freeze at various times. After each vote freeze, the housemate(s) with the lowest number of public votes will be eliminated from the competition (“Final Week Vote(s)”). For each voting window, the viewers will be given five (5) votes. During the final show of the programme, the housemate with the most public votes will be declared the winner of the programme (“Final Show Vote”). 

    Any variation on the format of elimination as set out in these terms and conditions will be announced in the programme and such format as announced in the programme will prevail.


    In the event of a tietie, tiebreakers will be used as outlined in the publicdetailed vote, where two (2) housemates receive joint highest votes, the other housemates may be asked by the programme producers to determine which contestant should be evicted, or the housemate with the most nominations from the other housemates. 

    In respect of the final week of the programme, if there is a tie between:

    (i) any of the housemates during the Final Week Vote(s), the next housemate to be evicted would be determined using historical data;

    (ii) the two final housemates during the Final Show Vote, both housemates would be joint winners of the programme.

    If any of the nominated housemate(s) leave or are removed from the programme for any reason, including without limitation medical reasons, then at the programme producers' will in their sole discretion decide whether such nominated housemate(s) will be removed from the vote or the vote may be cancelledterms and restartedconditions.

  • without
  • Technical suchfailures: nominated housemate(s), having regard to all circumstances and information available to them at the relevant time. The programme’s producers will in their sole discretion determine if another housemate may be allowed to enter the competition. When the vote re-opens, viewers will be granted five (5) additional votes. 

    If the outcome of a vote cannot be reasonablereasonably determined becausedue of ato technical failure or for any other reasons beyondreasons, the programme producer’s or Media General’s reasonable control, the programmeprogram producers will decide on the resultresult, and their decision is final.

  • During

4. Data & Privacy, Legal & Liability, General:

  • Data & Privacy: We collect your phone number & voting data solely for the finalvoting weekprocess & may share it with our technical partners (Paystack, Hubtel) ONLY for payment processing. Data is stored securely in accordance with Ghana's Data Protection Act, 2012 (Act 843). You have the right to access, correct, or delete your data.
  • Legal & Liability: These T&Cs are governed by the laws of Ghana. Any disputes will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the programme,Ghanaian ifcourts. thereMedia isGeneral a& technicalits failureaffiliates duringare aNOT liable for network outages, errors in the voting window,platform, or any otherloss/damage eventarising whichfrom preventsparticipation in voting.
  • General: We may update these T&Cs at any time. Changes will be notified via the outcomeapp/website. ofFor questions or support, use the votein-app help section or visit our website's contact page.

By voting, you confirm you've read, understood, & agree to bethese determined, the programme producers and/or the Promoter may, at their own discretion, close and reopen the vote. Any eligible votes would be combined with the votes from the new voting window, or historical data up to the point of the failure may be used to determine the next housemate to be evicted and/or the winner.T&Cs.

Promoter: TV3 Network Limited, Adesa We, Kanda, Greater Accra. Ghana